Ubuntu/Debian (easyroam application):
1. download the easyroam.deb from https://www.easyroam.de/debapp/easyroam.deb
2. install the easyroam.deb, depending on how your system is configured, you can simply click on the .deb in your GUI and get an installation window or you can run the installation on the command line (e.g. sudo apt install ./Downloads/easyroam.deb)
3. easyroam should now exist as an application in your start menu
4. start the easyroam application
5. log in by selecting “Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg”.
6. install profile
Configuration via Script for some other Distributions
The certificate is only vaild for 90 days and needs to be replaced after this timeframe.
1. Goto https://www.easyroam.de in your webbrowser
2. In the search field input your Institution "Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg"
3. Login
3. Click on "Manuel options“ and select PKCS12
4. Input a Profile name of your choice and press "Generate profile"
5. Download the configuration script easyroam.sh
6. Open a terminal in your download directory and run the script with the path to the certificate as argument: e.g.:
sh easyroam.sh easyroam_*.p12